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Brand Health Metrics [14 Most Important Metrics]

Updated: Oct 29, 2022

Have you ever thought of ignoring your own physical or mental health? No, right!

Then why should you ignore the brand health of your company?

let us try and understand what exactly we mean by Brand Health.

If we put it in simple terms, Brand Health measures how effectively your brand helps you achieve your overall objective, i.e. to earn profits.

  • A Brand Health check will allow you to determine the current state of your company and help you take an informed decision regarding the necessary improvements required.

  • Conducting regular brand health checks will help you stay one step ahead of your competition and give you an edge.

Framework to measure brand-equity
Framework to measure brand-equity

Tracking a brand’s health will bring the following benefits:

1. It will help one understand the brand’s strengths and weaknesses

2. It helps one check the overall performance of the brand

3. It helps the brand understand what is holding it back and how can it strive for more

  • A brand that has a healthy awareness, image, and familiarity quotient, can have a very high equity value.

  • A higher equity value means higher recognition and a higher recognition means a healthy brand!

(In case this is your first sales article, then it is advisable to check the 18 most important sales concept overviews here)

Brand Metrics to track:

1. Brand Awareness:

  • This is probably the most important metric to measure a brand’s success. Think social media mentions, website traffic, and online reviews—can all add up to highlight your brand health.

  • You can measure brand awareness by looking at the volume of mentions of products belonging to your brand. You can then compare that to your competitors to see how you’re doing vis-à-vis your competition.

  • In the below image, you can see by adding up the mentions on social media, you can calculate your brand's awareness in digital space.

2. Brand consideration:

  • To get an idea as to how many amongst your target audience would genuinely think to use your brand, you need to take a look at brand consideration.

  • Brand consideration comes after consumer trust your brand as a result of your social media efforts. Your brand's perceived value plays an important role in bringing customers from awareness to consideration.

3. Brand Associations:

  • Brand associations are a set of remembered qualities that help communicate information to the customer.

  • These qualities should differentiate one brand from the other (competition), and therefore provide a reason to buy that brand over the other.

  • Customer-based brand equity occurs when the consumer is familiar with the brand and holds some favorable, strong, and unique brand associations in the memory.

  • By examining your brand associations, you can see what your audience considers to be your strengths and weaknesses.

Example: Here in a survey conducted on 3 car models. Can you see the salient blue bar for Fuel efficiency of BMWi3. That's what success looks like.

4. Brand Loyalty:

  • A large chunk of a brand’s profits comes from loyal customers. Attracting new customers is good, but retaining the existing ones is the real deal.

  • Tracking commitment, associations, trust, satisfaction, and repeat sales are ways to measure a brand’s loyalty index.

5. Volatility:

  • People’s opinion changes very rapidly these days. This means that consumers’ feelings about your brand might change over time.

  • Listening to your customers and staying close to reality and understanding the customer’s pulse helps a brand track and measure volatility.

6. Net Promoter Score (NPS): (Very Important)

It helps your brand answer one major question - Will your customer recommend your brand to someone else?

So how do we calculate the NPS, it’s quite simple!

i) Ask people, on a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend (your brand) to colleagues, friends, and family. In long run, you should take a survey of all your consumers.

ii) The responders are then grouped into three categories:

a) Sum up the number of people who responded with either a 9 or a 10, and divide it by the total number of people asked. This is your promoter score.

b) Sum up the number of people who responded with anything from a 1-6, and divide it by the total number of people asked. This is your detractor score.

c) Subtract your detractor score from your promoter score.

This is your overall NPS.

Calculation of NPD

7. Purchase Intent:

It tells us how likely people are to buy from your brand in the near future.

So, how is the purchase intent value calculated?

  1. Ask a very basic question to your audience, “Based on what you know about the brand, how likely is your probability to buy from it?”

  2. On a five-point Likert scale, ask people to answer in either of the following: ‘very likely’, ‘quite likely’, ‘neither likely nor unlikely’, ‘quite unlikely’, ‘very unlikely’

  3. Sum up the number of people who answered ‘very likely’ and divide it by the total number of people asked.

  4. The resultant answer will give you your brand’s Purchase Intent Score

8. Brand Recall Value:

It is a measure of what people think about your brand without any external pushing.

Let us calculate the brand Recall value

  1. Ask people, “Thinking about (an industry to which your brand belongs), what is the first thing that comes to mind?

  2. Sum up all the people who name your brand, and divide it by the total number of people asked.

  3. Multiply it by 100. This is your Brand Recall percentage score.

Brand Recall
Brand Recall

9. Brand Uplift:

It demonstrates the value that your brand is directly adding to your company as a whole. It helps you understand the position of the brand from the lenses of senior management.

How do we calculate this? Set up a test using paid advertising.

  1. Set up two adverts (of products within the company) that are identical in all respects except the brand.

  2. Calculate the difference in percentage click-through rates

  3. This gives you the Brand Uplift Value.

10. Share of Voice:

  • It will help you know how much your brand is dominating the conversation compared to other brands that belong to your segment.

  • Keeping a check on your share of voice will help you understand how your brand is performing vis-à-vis the competition.

11. Time on Site:

  • The amount of time people spend on your website is a great way to understand how much invested they in your brand.

  • Google Analytics provides all the necessary tools that are required to track the amount of time spent by people on your website.

12. Sentiment Analysis (Positive or Negative):

As a brand, you should always keep your eyes and ears open. You need to constantly listen to your customer and try to gauge his pulse.

Some good questions to ask to gauge consumer sentiments are:

  1. How would you describe the brand in one word?

  2. What is that one product that the brand should not stop selling?

  3. If there was one thing you could change about the brand, what would that be?

13. Social Reach:

  • Being popular on social media doesn’t always guarantee sales, but it does indicate a level of engagement existing around your brand.

  • Always keep an eye on social media metrics such as your follower count, likes, and the number of shares that your posts have received. If people are sharing your site, or your content, it’s a sign that your brand is organically spreading its wings.

14. Total Brand Equity:

This is one very important metric, which, if you get right, will ensure that your brand is in a healthy state.

So, how do we measure a brand’s equity?

It is usually measured using a two-step process

  1. We first calculate the Brand strength

Brand Strength = (Purchase Intent + NPS) x 100

2. Using the Brand Strength value and the Brand Recall Value, we can determine the brand’s overall equity

Total brand equity = (Brand Strength x Brand Recall Value) x 100

That was a lot of metrics!

It is now time to organize your results!

The sooner you start measuring the results, the sooner you will know how to improve your brand score, and the sooner you will be able to increase your sales.

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